AGENDA #6 – June 21, 2023 at 6pm – Council members and public in person and Online Meeting
1. Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call – Honorable Members of Village Council
2. Invocation by Councilwoman Helen Borland
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes of Regular Meeting May 17, 2023
4. Approval of Department Monthly Reports (Police, Fire, Ambulance, Zoning) for May 2023
We received word that EMT Bailey Evans and Lindsay Wells received a STEMI Award for excellent care provided to a patient on May 30th
5. Recognition of Department Heads (Police, Fire, Zoning and Street Dept.)
6. Fiscal Officer’s Report and approval of expenditures
a. Bills in the amount of $
6a. Finance Committee report
7. Mayor’s Report on Daily Business
a. Update on Downtown Revitalization Project – Money raised to date $299,752; so far spent $$59,476.23
b. Update on Project list
c. Dennison Skate Rink donations and advertising $83,410; Goal is $111,786.20. We are at 74.62% of goal.
d. Refer an estimate for 2 storm drain repairs at Deer Hill Run and an Estimate for firetruck repairs to the Finance Committee.
e. On July 8, the Youth from Zanesville, Ohio State, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, led by Dr. Timothy McKnight. Community service projects as directed.
f. Update on CDBG Thornwood Sidewalk project
g. Premium Pay not available for workers after April 10, 2023 per the US Department of the Treasury
Old Business:
1. Ptl James Dunnivan has successfully completed his 90 days probationary period effective June 1, 2023.
New Business:
1. Road Closure for Kids Konnection event; N. 4th from Grant St. to the Alley. 8 am – 12 pm on August 12, 2023 – Twin City Chamber of Commerce Director Beth DiDonato
2. Twin City Parks and Waterways Cooperation Agreement – Rita McPeak, President
9. Ordinances and Resolutions
10. Committee Reports/Council person’s reports
There were no committee meetings since May 17th.
Adjournment – Next meeting is Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 6:00 pm