Meeting Minutes July 16, 2020

Mayor Tim Still called the meeting to order. In attendance were all council members, Solicitor James Ong and Fiscal Officer Kathy Norman.

Motion (1) to approve the minutes for June 18, 2020 was made by Jim Dickey, 2nd by Mike Clark. Motion carried.


FIRE: Fire Chief Dave McConnell gave an update on the production of the new fire garage. The project broke ground today. The Ambulance is working well and all is going smoothly.

POLICE: Police Chief Todd Beeman reported that the new cruiser has arrived and is in service.

ZONING: Dan Shaver requested $5,000 to begin foreclosure on 2 parcels, 42-00640-000 and 42-01589-000. Motion (2) to approve the request for funds for foreclosure made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Tracie Bolitho. Motion carried.

Motion (3) to approve the monthly reports from Police, Fire and Zoning made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried.

FISCAL: Fiscal Officer Kathy Norman presented bills in the amount of $91,809.13. Motion (4) to pay the bills was made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried.

The bank reconciliation for June was completed with nothing outstanding and no adjustments.

Kathy presented the loan for the Street Department truck at a cost of $72,486.90 that will be paid with a loan approved by First National Bank at 3.99% interest. She presented 3 options for the loan length as 3 years, 4 years, or 5 years. She recommended a 4-year loan. Motion (5) to approve the loan at First National Bank for the Street Department truck for 4 years made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Tracie Bolitho. Motion carried. Motion (6) to approve Mayor Tim Still and Kathy Norman permission to execute the loan at First National Bank made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Helen Borland. Motion carried.

Kathy Norman presented the RITA collections as $447,499.55 which is on track with the budget at 58.59% of budget.

Kathy Norman also presented Resolution #2748 for appropriations for the Fire Garage and Cares Act account. Motion (7) to approve Resolution #2748 made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Mike Clark. Motion carried.

She also presented Resolution #2749, a Resolution to Levy a tax for 5 mil renewal for Streets, Roads and Bridges. Motion (8) to approve Resolution #2749 made by Mike Clark, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried.

Finance Chairman Greg DiDonato presented the recommendations of the Finance Committee as follows:

Tekon Engineering to engineer plans, bid documents, and permits for the Fire Department garage at a cost of $$17,800. Motion (9) to approve the contract for engineering made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried.

Paving Bids for N. 1st Street and Fuhr project were received by Shelly and Sands for $235,839.35 and Barbicus Paving for $238,171.30 respectively. The bids are under review. The Alternate bid for additional paving on N. 2nd Street were received as $19,790.50 from Shelly and Sands and $18,100.80 from Barbicas Paving. This amount would not be included in the grant and would be paid by the Village. Motion (10) to approve the alternate bid to do additional paving on N. 2nd Street at a cost between $18,100.80 and $19, 790.50 was made by Jim Dickey, 2nd by Greg DiDonato. Motion carried.

The damage on the salt bin will be repaired at a cost of $500 to $600 dollars instead of replaced at this time.

Send 2 firefighters, Tyler Dryden and Kyle Milligan, to EMT-A training at a cost of $4, 550. A state training grant of $1,200 would offset some of the costs. An agreement with them would be signed about repayment if they leave employ of the Village.

The Administrative Assistant and Fiscal Assistant will return to full time hours effective July 28, 2020.

The Zoning officer’s hours will not be returned at this time. The zoning department took in $800. The fees need reviewed and increased as they haven’t been increased in many years. Will also look at the legislation with the Landlord registration. Next month, the new fees will be presented to council and then we can restore Dan Shaver back to his regular hours.

A1 Concrete will level the sidewalks on the side and front of the village hall. They are providing a trip hazard. Motion (13) to approve A1 Concrete to level the sidewalks at a cost of $1,375 made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried.

Care Act funds are being used for the following: Stepping Stone is cleaning village hall and the parks, Police, Fire and Street Department vehicles are being cleaned by Design Restoration and he will provide a contract, Sanitizers will be ordered from Cintas, Supplies and PPE will be ordered through the fire department quote, United Rentals will be contacted about extra cleaning of the portajons in the parks.

The Fire Department garage has received over $100,000 of donated cash so far. The building is expected to cost a total of $175,000 – $200,000. No taxpayer money will be used to construct the building. Finance committee would like to see a banner at the site showing the total of donated funds toward the building and flyers to the community to explain the need for the garage and the ambulance agreement.

The bids were opened for the property at 206 N. 2nd Street, the only and winning bidder was Jim Walker at a price of $300. Motion (14) to accept the bid was made by Greg DiDonato, 2 nd by Helen Borland. Motion carried.

Storm damage claims for the Peter’s Field dugout roof and the roof damage on the Dennison Depot have been repaired and paid with insurance proceeds.

Youth Cheerleaders, led by Deanne McCoy and Heather Fair requested use of the 3 rd floor Auditorium for their after-school practices on Mondays and Wednesdays after school. They will provide a copy of their 501c3 and liability insurance to the village. Motion (15) to approve the use of the auditorium by the youth cheerleaders was made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Helen Borland. Motion carried.

Mayor Tim Still said he would be released from the nursing home in 2 weeks after he has a 14-day quarantine from covid-19 virus.

Kene Edwards said the picnic table at the dog park is in need of repair or replacement and the fire hydrants need straightened.

Mike Clark said the Friends of the Parks, Trails and Waterways did not receive a grant for the kayak ramp at McCluskey Park.

Adjourned. Next meeting will be August 20, 2020.
