Mayor Tim Still called the online meeting to order at 7:15 pm. All council members were present along with Solicitor James Ong and Fiscal Officer Kathy Norman.
Motion (1) to accept the meeting minutes of May 21, 2020 was made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Helen Borland. Motion carried.
Nathan Quicksall of Quicksall & Associates said the paving project bill we are expecting for N. 1st St. and Fuhr St. paving project, has passed and it is expected to go to the Governor for signature shortly. The advertisement for bids will be posted on June 24, 2020 until July 1, 2020. Opening of bids will be July 15th. The location will be announced at a later date.
Chief Todd Beeman reported that the new police cruiser is expected to be delivered on Monday. The new camera system has been installed at Village Hall; it covers all 3 floors. The system was donated by an anonymous donor.
He also mentioned that the Center St. repair of the sink hole is starting to sink and needs filled in.
Chief Dave McConnell said the firemen’s day room flooring will be installed next week. He also reported that they had received notice from Reeve’s Foundation that they will receive $60,000 toward the fire department garage. Other in-kind and monetary donations are expected to be received. The entire project cost, $120,000 is expected to be covered by donations received. Greg DiDonato also extended his thanks to Assistant Chief Jim Shame for his work on the grant writing.
Dan Shaver said he has been very busy issuing building permits. He said he is waiting for the property at 510 N. 1st Street to be transferred to the village, he said the neighbor would be interested in purchasing the lot. The property at 705 Center St. is still in the court system.
Motion to approve the monthly reports of the Police, Fire and Zoning was made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried.
Fiscal Officer Kathy Norman presented bills in the amount of $58,958.04. Funds are available to pay the bills. Motion (3) to pay the bills made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Helen Borland. Motion carried.
The bank reconciliation for May is complete with no outstanding receipts or adjustments.
Kathy Norman presented Resolution #2744, A Resolution declaring the necessity to levy a tax in excess of the 10-mil limitation. This is a renewal levy – 2.0 mills authorized by voters on 11/8/2016 for the construction, resurfacing, and repair of streets, roads, and bridges. Motion (4) to approve the Resolution made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried.
RITA collections are at 51.508% of budget, a decrease of $52,000 from RITA YTD. Kathy Norman said she expects to make up the funds when the tax deadline ends in July. She also prepared a letter for the ODOT land purchase to show the funds are available.
Mayor Tim Still said he was working on receiving quotes for cleaning of park equipment, portajons, fire and police vehicles. He also reported receiving storm damage reports from Peter’s Field (roof off of the dugout), Dennison Depot Museum (roof damage) and a tree down on Center Street. Motion (5) to turn the damage into insurance was made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried.
Street Sweeping that was scheduled for June has been rescheduled for July 7th and 8th.
Received a request from Twin City Chamber of Commerce to hold a 2nd Shred Day in the fall, with village employees’ hours reduced, council did not feel it would be responsible to spend additional money for the additional day this year.
The bids for Winter Salt have been returned at $69.63 per ton, a savings per ton of $17.20 from last years rate of $86.83. The village ordered 100 ton for next winter.
Mayor Still was given permission to allow Kevin Tedrick to work on Friday since Doug White was off on vacation.
Motion (6) to approve the purchase of the 1 ½ acre ODOT garage property for $71,600 was made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Mike Clark. Motion carried. At the end of the meeting, Solicitor Ong requested that council affirm that their permission to purchase the ODOT property was made with their own free will and they would give their signature. The motion (11) was made to record the affirmative permission of each council member.
Resolution # 2745, A Resolution affirming that funds received by the village from the county Corona Virus Relief Distribution Fund may be expended only to cover costs of the village consistent with the CARES Act. Motion (7) to approve the resolution was made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried.
Resolution #2746, A Resolution creating Fund number _____________(Local Coronavirus Relief Fund) for funds received by the village from the county Coronavirus relief distribution. Motion (8) to approve the resolution was made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried.
One bid was received for the 2009 Crown Victoria police cruiser. The bid was entered by Todd Beeman for $850. Motion (9) to accept the bid made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Jim Dickey. Motion carried. The car will be released at a time when it is no longer needed by the village.
A question about the equipment for the K9 vehicle resulted in the statement that all K9 equipment has been purchased with donated K9 funds.
Resolution #2747, A Resolution to enter into a mutual aid agreement with Warwick Township for the provision of fire protection services and emergency medical services. Motion (10) to approve the resolution was made by Greg DiDonato, 2nd by Tracie Bolitho. Motion carried.
Mayor Still asked for council member’s opinion about continuing to hold the meetings online. It was decided to keep the meetings online for at least the next 2 months and then reevaluate at that time.
Solicitor James Ong had the Twin City Water and Sewer Board report from Carl Menapace. He would send it to council. He also said that Nathan Davis’s seat on the board would expire on September 1, 2020, a replacement would need to be named at the August meeting and notification sent to the Board before the September meeting.
Helen Borland gave the Union Cemetery Board report. She also said that sinkholes at Center St. and at Grant St. have both been repaired.
Jim Dickey said he received a call from Tabitha Crawshaw about people running the stop sign at McCrea and Johnson and Mike Clark added that people also run the sign at Johnson and McCook.
He reported that the shelter house will be spray washed and cleaned after the water is turned back on. He will need cleaning supplies and a hose. The shelter house will be open for rent as of June 27, 2020.
Kene Edwards said there are sinkholes at the trail. He said the light poles on N. 2nd St. need repainted. He asked if there was a (Rotary project) flag at Thornwood Park, and was told there was not.
Tracie Bolitho wanted to commend the Fire and Police Department for their transition with the EMS.
Mike Clark said he received a call from Stephanie Summers, she lives next door to the house on N. 2nd St. that recently caught fire. She said the debris in the backyard has still not been cleaned up. The owner of the house is a landlord.
He also reported that the Dennison Depot Museum had reopened to members and 25-30 members had came to the museum. He asked Police Chief Beeman to address the 100 & 200 blocks of McCrea Ave. where trash cans remain on the curb all the time.
Greg DiDonato said the Finance Committee would resume meetings at village hall in July. The next meeting is scheduled for July 16 at 6:00 pm in council chambers.
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Mayor Tim Still Admin. Assistant, Tammie Taggart
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Tracie Bolitho |
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Mike Clark |
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Jim Dickey |
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Greg DiDonato |
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Kene Edwards |
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