AGENDA #7– July 21, 2022 at 6:15 pm – Council members and public in person and Online Meeting
1. Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call – Honorable Members of Village Council
2. Invocation by Councilwoman Helen Borland
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes of Regular Meeting June 16, 2022
4. Approval of Department Monthly Reports (Police, Fire, Ambulance, Zoning) for June 2022
5. Recognition of Department Heads (Police, Fire, Zoning and Street Dept.)
6. Fiscal Officer’s Report and approval of expenditures
B. Bills in the amount of $
7. Mayor’s Report on Daily Business
a. Remove Ptl. Anthony Frame from Probation effective 6/22/22
b. Air Compressor installation $4,498.95 cost from Peterman Plumbing (Dennison Fire received a $3,000 grant to purchase the compressor that will be applied to the bill)
c. Permission to demolish the houses at 17 Fuhr Street at a cost of $9,124.00 and 114 Grant St. at a cost of $12,537.00 with Department of Development Grant funds. Bridges Excavation will do the work.
d. Update on Downtown Revitalization Project –
e. Update on Fire Garage repairs
f. The Tuscarawas County TNR group has captured, neutered and returned 27 cats in Dennison at a cost of $1,200. In order to continue, they need donations. Recommend a donation from the Village of $1,500 toward the cost.
g. August 11, 2022 at 6 pm – An open house and dedication ceremony will be held in the Dennison Fire Garage. All council members should plan to attend.
h. Mosquito fogging that was scheduled for July 10th has been rescheduled for Monday, July 25th at 9 pm.
i. K-9 School Approval (Tri-State Canine Services) with August 1st start date. Total cost is $15,500; $7,500 donation from the K-9 grant and an additional $7,500 from an anonymous donation. The remaining $500 will come from the K-9 fund.
Old Business:
New Business:
9. Ordinances and Resolutions
10. Committee Reports/Council person’s reports
There were no committee meetings held since June 16, 2022
Adjournment – Next meeting is Thursday, August 18, 2022 @ 6:15pm