Public Announcement:
Today we had a pre-construction meeting for the 2021 Paving in Dennison. The date given to start was September 27th. That start date will depend on the weather. We will make an announcement when the start date is confirmed.
Its a total investment of $254,000 to the Village Streets this year. In the last 6 years, the Village has spent almost $2,000,000 improving streets, sidewalks, curbs and storm drains. The paving has been bid and will not change. Here is the list of streets and alleys being paved:
Northend/Thornwood Alleys and Streets Paving 2021
Sumner – North 3rd St. to 3rd Drive N
900 block of 3rd Drive N (alley) from Sumner to Fuhr
Sherman St. from N. 5th to N 9th Street
N 9th Street from Sherman St. to Depot Lane
Depot Lane from N. 8th St. to N.9th St. (alley)
Grant Street – N. 6th St. to the dead end (600,700 & 800 blocks of Grant St.)
State Ave. from Jewett Ave to Johnson Ave (alley)
Ohio Ave. from Buckeye Ave to Gardner Ave (alley)
Buckeye Ave. from McCrea Ave to Taylor Ave (alley)
Buckeye Ave. from Buckeye Ave to Gardner Ave (alley)
Park Ave from Johnson Ave. to to Jewett Ave (alley)
3rd Drive N. from Fuhr to Dead End, turn right and extend to N. 3rd Street.
Jewett Ave from Park Drive to McCarty Ave.
Wilson Street between N. First St. and McKee Rd. (remainder)
Thornwood Park parking lot
Depot Alley between Center and Grant (500 block)